вторник, 3 марта 2020 г.


SA Stabilizer Roll, medium-weight, tear away, 10 yds With multiple uses for both embroidery and decorative stitching, this tear-away stabilizer is one you will reach for again and again. These files may be converted to other embroidery formats with most embroidery software available for additional purchase. In addition, keep in mind the fact that this provides only temporary support for the stitches. Ratings and Reviews Write a review. Use the bright LED work lights to brighten up any project.
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Replacement foot for Vertical Stitch guide for edge sewing attachment on Brother's Quattro machine. No more searching for dimes, no more struggling to get your fingers under the needle! In order to best assist you, please use one of the channels below to contact the Brother support team.

SA Fringe Foot The Fringe foot is a good tool for creating 3-D flowers, heirloom seam joins, surface texture and custom trims with a simple zig zag stitch. This innovative multi-function tool has three different slotted screw tips, designed for four functions: Have brothher SE that loads the thread in a cartridge, since I have four cartridges, loading the threads goes a bit faster on the SE however.

Decorative narrow hemmer foot for picot hem finishes. This inspiring kit includes fifty-five beautiful embroidery designs on a USB memory stick, and easy-to-follow, visual instructions to make sixteen projects using these designs. Also excellent for embroidering lace type designs on sheer fabric or netting.

These files may be converted to other embroidery formats with most embroidery software available for additional purchase. Screw on foot for added security during fabric quilting process. Side Cutter foot creates the perfectly cut edge of a serger. SA Stabilizer Roll, heavy weight, tear away, 10yds This firm, stiff tear-away is ideal for projects that are either heavy or light weight and require extra stability.

Each thread has its own thread guide to deliver thread smoothly to the machine. Simply place one or more layers against the wrong side back of your project. Open toe for visibility, especially with zig zag and decorative stitches.

Cut fabric and overcast fabric edges at the same time. Stitch Guide foot for accurate sewing. Picot foot looks similar to narrow hemmer foot but is designed to create a shell look edge on lightweight fabric.

It is a good idea to add this topping when embroidering on knit fabrics to help raise the stitches above the tiny ribs found on many knits.

Downloads | Innov-is D/ | United States | Brother

Provides maximum stability on stretchy material. Clear plastic foot allows for sewing with complete visibility. You can use this tacky stabilizer in a variety of situations. Single needle hole prevents fine fabrics from being caught in feed dogs. Curved foot toes travel over varying fabric thicknesses.

Innov-ís 1500D

This water soluble stabilizer requires thorough rinsing in warm water for complete removal. SA Stabilizer Roll, lightweight, adhesive-backed, water soluble, 6yds This adhesive backed stabilizer firmly sticks to the fabric and helps minimize movement of the face fabric, keeping the fabric smooth during embroidery.

Simply add a layer on top of the fabric and on the bottom, sandwiching the thin fabric in between. Legal Disclaimers If free shipping is indicated above: The non stick foot overcomes problems with fabric such as loop injovis hook tapes, leather and vinyl.

Parallel grooves on the underside of foot hold an invisible zipper in place for easy installation of the zipper. Security notch for consistent bobbin thread winding. SA Stabilizer Roll, medium-weight, adhesive tear away, 10 yds This adhesive backed stabilizer sticks to fabrics with minimal adhesive transfer unnovis garment or needle.

The backbone of most embroidery applications, this cut-away stabilizer is recommended for medium to high density stitching. People who bought this also bought.

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