воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


The only other drawback is that it does not come with an utility to pull it out of your computer safely. Download the driver from youre computer on the link above: Missed this info last time. SDCZ6 is not supported on Win Your name or email address: Can I use my 2gb micro cruzer on windows 98? Chose Hard disk controllers.
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I have been sitting in the background looking for a solution and "bingo" Proffitt Forum moderator April 17, Windows compatible Flash Drive. Join overother people just like you!

I can't remember if you have to reboot. There's a really old one before U3 that will. Could you please send this file by email.

Now install nusbEngFE 8. Helpful 0 Not Helpful Comment Flag.

Windows compatible Flash Drive - Forums - CNET

Proffitt Forum moderator April 18, 1: In the wib98se of drivers find the one with the title. I've had a lot of problems getting a windows 98 system to recognize a USB flash drive.

Any recommendations for a flash drive product that is compatible with Windows 98 or has downloadable drivers for Windows 98? Message 1 of 11 35, Views 0 Kudos 0.

Attn: Win98se users Re: Cruzer Micro series

Window98 needs a driver for this flash drive. It's worth a thousand words. Joel Tested on Windows 98SE. Read and write OK. Apr 28, Messages: This is about as straightforward as I can explain it. Download it from http: Message 4 of 11 35, Views 0 Kudos 0. Add your comment to this article You need to be a member to leave a comment.

Solved: Trouble installing USB Drive on Windows 98 SE | Tech Support Guy

Thank you for using FixYa. Discussion in ' Earlier Versions of Windows ' started by zabetteDec 8, SanDisk Driver Update Utility. Proffitt Forum moderator December 15, 1: I'm surprised when it works! Can I use my 2gb micro cruzer on windows 98?

SanDisk Cruzer Micro Free Driver Download (Official)

Oct 3, Sandisk cruzer crossfire cguzer windows You are reporting the following post: It says the location of the driver is: Not an executable or a self extracting zip. Posted on Dec 29, It workd fine for the 2GB sticks, it should work for the 4GB sticks, but I woundn't try it with the so called High capacity sticks or am i confusing that with the high capacity SD camera memory cards???

My email address is darrylhall.

Official Download Source - Manufacturer Website. Message 7 of 11 35, Views.

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